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Piper’s Camping Wish Comes True!

From left, Lisa Root of Country Road RV, Sarah Bragg of the Children’s Wish Foundation, mom Emily, Piper, sister Brynn, mom Kelly and pup Stevie.

Piper was born with a congenital brain malformation which caused her several developmental and mobility issues. Piper is also an adorable eight-year-old girl who loves camping and the great outdoors – and now her wish for a camper has been granted by the Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada and Country Road RV.

Mom Emily says she and her partner Kelly noticed Piper wasn’t developing as she should at about three months of age. Shortly thereafter came the diagnosis of the brain malformation. At that time the family was living in Halifax where Kelly was a member of the RCMP. Kelly received a compassionate transfer so the family could move back to their home in Calgary.

Piper is usually in a wheelchair, but she also has a walker she loves to use. Although she is non verbal, she is learning to use an electronic device to communicate with others.

Emily says the family had a hybrid camper in the past, but they could not get Piper in and out of the vehicle. The new Passport trailer accommodates the family’s needs, including rear bunks where Piper, her sister Brynn and dog Stevie will sleep. A bathroom with a bathtub is also essential for Piper.

The family’s first camping trip will be close to home in Kananaskis Country, but they also have plans to visit Vernon and Whitefish this summer. Piper is looking forward to being in the outdoors where she can go biking in her WeeHoo bike trailer with mom.

Country Road RV assistant general manager, Lisa Root calls Piper an absolute sweetheart and “we are so happy to help this family out with Piper’s wish.”

Sarah Bragg of the Wish Foundation cuts a celebratory piece of cake for Piper’s big sister Brynn.

Parts Manager Mike Doig shows Piper and her moms the ins and outs of using their new trailer.

Piper, right, checks out the new trailer with mom Emily and big sister Brynn.

Piper and her family are ready to camp!

Piper’s big sister Brynn got to pick a couple of pet toys for Stevie.